
  1. A special guest blog from @CarlItAsISeeIt who you may know from podcasts about our youth team that we've recorded together in the past. Carl has encyclopaedic knowledge of our youth teams and big opinions on where it's going wrong at the moment in terms of the academy feeding our first team.
    • WindyCOYS
    • 9 minute read
    • 23rd October 2019 at 19:34
    • 1 comment
  2. In a week of contradictions from Mauricio Pochettino, his team served up a performance which epitomised the lack of clarity coming from their leader as they failed to beat bottom-of-the-table Watford at home.
    • WindyCOYS
    • 3 minute read
    • 22nd October 2019 at 17:39
  3. What you find with football club content is that when things are not going well, the amount of content related to that club increases. This week I have fallen into the trap myself! Let me assure you that this is (mostly) coincidence in my case. And yet I did find it relatively easy to get […]
    • WindyCOYS
    • 2 minute read
    • 5th October 2019 at 07:50
  4. Spurs are potentially about to have a very welcome selection dilemma in our attacking midfield. How exciting!
    • WindyCOYS
    • 4 minute read
    • 23rd August 2019 at 16:12
  5. With under 24 hours to go until the close of the transfer window I thought I would revisit the 25-man squad situation.
    • WindyCOYS
    • 1 minute read
    • 7th August 2019 at 22:06